About B.Sc. Hons. in Agriculture

Agriculture maintains a position of great social and economic significance towards ensuring the welfare and development of the society while at the same time maintaining the livelihood of the people. The Parul University Bachelors of Agriculture program is a 4 year program which endeavours to impart within the students the fundamentals of agriculture while at the same time developing and nurturing an abled resource with the ability and the capabilities to navigate the various streams of the field. The Faculty of Agriculture is equipped with state of art infrastructure and laboratories which are specifically designated to ensure the practical growth and comprehensive academic development of the students. The study exposes students to some of the current concerns with the scope of agriculture along with an in-depth understanding of the position of the farmer and engages students in search for practical solutions to alleviate these issues. The Faculty is equipped with expert agriculture faculties and academic resources who go on to play the pivotal of guiding the students towards a path of sound agricultural expertise. In addition, it goes on to expose the students to some of the latest technologies in irrigation, cultivation and other farming processes. The curriculum is strategically designed to explore some of the fundamental elements of agriculture such as soil science, plant science, plant biotechnology, amongst others. Beyond the scope of the curriculum, the program goes on to develop within the students an understanding of the business aspects of agriculture and how to best enterprise the efforts of the farmer on the commercial agro-market.


National Applicants

International Applicants

B.Sc. Hons. in AgricultureProgram Outcomes

Why Study B.Sc. Hons. in Agriculture

The scope of agriculture has existed from time immemorial, beyond the scope of civilization as a whole thus placing agriculture on a position of great social and economic significance. The scope of commercial agriculture has grown to establish its roots within the various avenues of the industry thus creating a wide pool of career opportunities for the students who pursue this program. The bachelors program seeks to impart within the students an understanding of the fundamental aspects of agriculture, along with the modern trends related to the study.
Research Officer

Research Officer

An ability to develop an understanding of the historical background and significance of agriculture towards livelihood and the welfare of the people.

Quality Assurance Officer

An ability to understand to the currents issues and concerns which are faced by the modern day farmer and how to develop practical solutions for the betterment of the society.

Quality Assurance Officer
Agriculture Officer

Agriculture Officer

The ability to develop the base understanding of the commercial agriculture sector and to learn how to maximise profits from agro-based produce.

Production Manager

The ability to comprehend the contemporary trends in technology and know how to navigate these technologies In the development of the agricultural sector.

Production Manager
Operations Manager

Operations Manager

An ability to develop interpersonal skills and communication skills which are required for assisting and counselling farmers.

Duration: 4 years (Semester System)



Constituent College of Parul University


Eligibility Criteria

Candidate shall have passed 12th Examination from Science stream with Physics,Chemistry and Biology (PCB) Subjects with below requirements from recognized board:


Mode of Admission

For admissions please visit our portal to register/login yourself and proceed ahead with your admission application.

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B.Sc. Hons. in Agriculture feesFees

B.Sc. Hons. in Agriculture

₹ 69,000 Annually*

* Tuition Fees may vary depending on the Country/ State in which the candidate has passed their qualifying examination.

B.Sc. Hons. in Agriculture CurriculumCurriculum

Semster 1

Semester 2

Human Value and Ethics

Fundamentals of Genetics

Physical Education & Yoga Practices

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

Fundamentals of Agronomy

Fundamentals of Entomology

Agricultural Heritage

Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics

Fundamentals of Soil Science

Fundamentals of Plant Pathology

Fundamentals of Horticulture

Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education

Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology

Agricultural Microbiology

Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Fundamentals of Crop Physiology

Introduction to Forestry

Communication Skills and Personality Development

Elementary Mathematics


Comprehension and Communication Skills in English



Semester 3

Semester 4

Crop Production Technology – I (Kharif Crops)

Biopesticides & Biofertilizers

Fundamentals of Plant Breeding

Crop Production Technology – II (Rabi Crops)

Agricultural Finance and Cooperation

Farming System & Sustainable Agriculture

Farm Machinery and Power

Introductory Agro-meteorology & Climate Change

Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices

Principles of Seed Technology

Environmental Studies and Disaster Management

Problematic Soils and their Management

Agri- Informatics

Agricultural Marketing Trade & Prices

Statistical Methods

Renewable Energy and Green Technology

Livestock and Poultry Management

Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP and Landscaping


Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops


Semester 5

Semester 6

Geoinformatics and Nano-technology and Precision Farming

Rainfed Agriculture & Watershed Management

Practical Crop Production ±I(Kharif crops)

Practical Crop Production ±II(Rabi crops)

Crop Improvement-I (Kharif Crops

Principles of Organic Farming

Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management

Crop Improvement-II (Rabi crops)

Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their Management

Management of Beneficial Insects

Principles of Integrated Pest and Disease Management

Farm Management, Production & Resource Economics

Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management -I

Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture

Protected Cultivation

Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-II

Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication

Hi-Tech Horticulture

Intellectual Property Rights

Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables


Principles of Food Science and Nutrition


Semester 7

Semester 8

General orientation & On campus training by different faculties

Soil, Plant, Water and Seed Testing

Village attachment

Organic Production Technology

Unit attachment in Univ. / College. KVK / Research
Station Attachment

Seed Production and Technology

Plant clinic

Agriculture Waste Management

Agro-Industrial Attachment

Commercial Beekeeping

Project Report Preparation, Project Report Preparation,

Commercial Sericulture


Mushroom Cultivation Technology


Commercial Horticulture


Floriculture and Landscaping


Production Technology for Bioagents and Biofertilizer


Poultry Production Technology


Food Processing


B.Sc. Hons. in Agriculture Curriculum Laboratories


Instructional Farm

The students of agriculture frequently visit the Instructional farm, which develops their practical skill sets and abilities in the field of agriculture. The students take part in the identification of agricultural and horticultural plants, the planning and lay-outing of the orchard along with various


Soil Science Laboratory

The soil science laboratory is equipped with equipment to study the soil profiles such as gas burners and equipment for the collection of soil samples where the soil moisture will be determined along with the field capacity, the water holding capacity, along with calculations


Botany Laboratory

The laboratory is equipped with advanced microscopes and equipment which allow students to understand the various micro organismic elements. It studies the taxonomic status, along with the different states in mitosis, and meiosis, amongst vital aspects of agricultural research.

https://paruluniversity.ac.in./Agriculture Meteorology Lab

Agriculture Meteorology Lab

https://paruluniversity.ac.in./Plant Pathology laboratory

Plant Pathology laboratory

https://paruluniversity.ac.in./Computer Laboratory

Computer Laboratory


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